Effect of Sudarshan Kriya on male prisoners with non psychotic psychiatric disorders:
A randomized control trial
Pankaj Sureka , Sandeep Govil, Debadutta Dash, Chandika Dash, Mukesh Kumar, Vikas Singhal
Asian Journal of Psychiatry
Ein interessanter Bericht zum Thema ADHS. Eine Diagnose für fast Normale.
Statt des Aufmerksamkeitsdefizits ADHS diagnostizieren Ärzte zunehmend das Asperger-Syndrom. Ist die milde Autismusform nur ein Trend in der Psychiatrie – oder sind die Betroffenen tatsächlich krank?
Felix Straumann
FEB 2012
Feasibility and Preliminary efficacy of a novel rDoc-Based Treatment Program for adolescent Depression:
“Training for awareness resilience and action” (Tara)—a Pilot study
Eva Henje Blom, Olga Tymofiyeva, Margaret A. Chesney, Tiffany C. Ho, Patricia Moran, Colm G. Connolly, Larissa G. Duncan, Lisa Baldini, Helen Y. Weng, Michael Acree, Veronica Goldman, Frederick M. Hecht, and Tony T. Yang
16 January 2017
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
The Effects of Yoga on Mood in Psychiatric Inpatience
Roberta Lavey
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
Yoga in management of psychoneurotic, psychotic and psychosomatic conditions
D.K. Deshmukh
May 1971
Yournal of the Yoga Institute