Antje Suraj Kaur Kuwert » Antje Suraj Kaur Kuwert
- Trainer for Kundalini Yoga teachers
- Professional training for yoga teachers and yoga for people with disabilities
- Sport therapist
I was born on December 13, 1970 in Herbolzheim. Sports, art, traveling, other countries, cultures and people have always been my passions. Following my training as a sports therapist and many travel and globe-trotting experiences I worked as a sports therapist for many years in a variety of fields. I completed many advanced trainings in the areas sports, rehabilitation, relaxation, naturopathic treatment and health, as I had always been interested in holistic approaches.
In addition, I also found a way to life my passion, art, as I worked for many years as a performance artist performing with light and fire, which gave me the opportunity to express my central theme "light" in a variety of forms.
Around 1999, I got first introduced to and learned to love Kundalini Yoga. For me it provided the combination of topics I partly already taught or lived and others that I was still in search of: body work, meditation, relaxation, philosophy. In 2005 I decided to focus exclusively on teaching and instructing yoga.
Since 2006 I have been engaged with yoga therapy in team work and I have already given various workshops on a variety of topics.
Since 2006 I have also been teaching Kundalini Yoga for people with physical disabilities in integrated and special courses and seminars, a topic that is very dear to me. Since 2013 I also offer professional training for yoga teachers on that subject. 2014 my exercise book for wheelchair users will be published.

Anja Lührs » Anja Lührs
- Naturopath
- Shiatsu therapist
- Lecturer and trainer for 3HO Germany and Europe and KRI Professional
Brief biography
- 1984-1988 studied sports science and romance studies at the University of Hamburg
- 1986-1990 education at the school for naturopathy in Hamburg
- 1991 state certified Naturopath
- 1990/91 education as Kundalini Yoga teacher
- since 1992 self-employed as naturopathic lecturer and yoga teacher
- since 1998 trainer for the yoga teacher education of 3HO
- since 2002 working on an international level, i.e in PL, CZ, HU, CH and S.

Astrid Dharam Gian Kaur Ewers » Astrid Dharam Gian Kaur Ewers

Eva Guru Sant Kaur Pawlas » Eva Guru Sant Kaur Pawlas
- Studied German philology and psychology
- Gestalt-Therapist, Psychotherapist (HP) with her own practice
- Psychiatric nurse, advanced training in addiction research and treatment
I got introduced to and fell in love with Kundalini Yoga and Yogi Bhajan in 1993 in Argentina (Buenos Aires), where I was supporting a dear friend of mine who suffered from AIDS (Lilia still enjoys her gift of life).
My delicate connection got intensified with the 120th day of my first son, Kundalini Yoga became a part of my life.
By now I have five terrific children and I have turned my passion into my profession. I am now a yoga teacher for pregnant women, postnatal training and for children. I became a classical Kundalini Yoga teacher for level 1 and 2 at my teachers' Satya Singh and I am currently training with him to become a Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer.
Yoga ideally complements my profession as a psychotherapist (HP), Gestalt-therapist and nurse and my occupation in my own practice and in the psychiatric ward with a focus on addiction.
Yoga and therapy is the combination of my vocational callings. Installing a professional training for Yoga Therapy had been my heart's desire. I am delighted that the professional training for Yoga as Therapy could be established and started in February 2014 thanks to the persistence, the commitment and the high standards of our team.
Sat Nam Guru Sant Kaur

Karta Purkh Singh Pomarius » Karta Purkh Singh Pomarius
- Naturopath with his own practice
- Therapeutic Yoga and NLP
- Executive Director 3HO Deutschland e.V.
When I first came in contact with Kundalini Yoga during my pedagogy studies in 1990, I was then in my early 20s, I experienced its stabilizing and healing power intimately. It did not take long for me to realize that I wanted to teach this form of yoga and pass it on to others. After training levels 1 and 2, I was looking for ways to impart Kundalini Yoga in a more purposeful way in one-on-one teaching and I began my education to become a naturopath. During that period my wife also introduced me to Evelyn Maß and Karsten Ritschl, who do terrific work in short term therapy and NLP while at the same time maintaining a high level of integrity. My education at their institute in Berlin has significantly influenced my work in my own yoga practice, which I have been operating together with my wife, who is a naturopath and NLP teaching trainer herself, since 1997. The collaboration with Guru Prem Singh, the „posture master“ nominated by Yogi Bhajan, has decisively intensified my Yoga experience and provided me with a deeper understanding. I am very grateful to all the Yoga students I was allowed to support for brief or extended periods of time over the past 17 years of my yoga therapeutic work, who have time and again made me see the diversity and treasures of Kundalini Yoga.
My commercial work for Yogi Tea (15 years, Sales and Marketing) and, since 2007, for 3HO Deutschland e.V. as executive director of the association, provides a good balance between professional life and the yogic world. Many of my clients come to my practice with stress or nerve related symptoms. My work in an office makes it easy for me to understand the dynamics and challenges my clients face. I am very happy that we are able to impart and share our experiences through the professional yoga therapy training. Through this we lay the foundation for a wonderful holistic method that can be an important support and a path for healing and clarity for us in the coming years.
Sat Nam Karta Purkh Singh

Nicole Siri Adi Kaur Witthoefft » Nicole Siri Adi Kaur Witthoefft
- Certified art therapist, Gestalt therapist with her own practice
- Professional trainer for Gestalt therapists
- Executive director and teacher for training programs for yoga for children

Nicola Har Krishna Kaur Fromm » Nicola Har Krishna Kaur Fromm

Petra Mayer » Petra Mayer
- Sociologist
- Naturopath
- Yoga, Ayurveda and systemic-integrative therapist
Born in 1964, studied sociology, psychology, political science, literature and journalism at the University of Hamburg.
I practice Kundalini Yoga since 1988, when I had started training with Simran Kaur and Satya Singh in Hamburg. In the meantime I have not only completed my trainer's education for level 1 and 2, but also my education for children yoga with Shiva Kaur, Sat Nam Rasayan level 1 with Guru Dev Singh and the Breathwalk education.
I am teaching yoga since 1996 and Breathwalk since 2008, in classes, seminars and individualized trainings. As a medical Ayurveda therapist I have been working for many years especially with chronically ill people but also treated acute conditions in my practice in Hamburg.
In the field of psychotherapy, my therapeutic work is ideally complemented through solution-focused short-term therapy and systemic-integrative consultation.
In my work, it is of utmost importance to me to support people finding their path in a respectful manner, to activate their self-healing powers and to help them develop their own full potential.

Miriam Wessels » Miriam Wessels
- Naturopath, teacher for professional trainer programs for yoga for children and adolescent
- Graduated in sports science with a focus on psychology
- Body oriented Gestalt-therapist, published author on yoga and healing methods
My focus is on working with groups, though I also offer individual trainings and support. I provide support for people in special life situations and phases with special needs, be it during a pregnancy or as they are growing old, or while fighting a specific disease.
I like to work soma-psychic, healing a physical symptom in order to heal the soul. This physical approach makes the therapy more tangible, while its effects affect all levels.
I see life as a great adventure which requires adjustments at different times that want to be discovered and experienced. Aside from my occupation as a yoga therapist, I have also repeatedly experienced Yoga as a support along my on path as I faced life's challenges and it helped me to reconfigure and enjoy my life anew.
![Krishna Kaur [Gastdozentin]](/assets/Trainer/krishna-kaur-sw.jpg)
Krishna Kaur [Gastdozentin] » Krishna Kaur [Gastdozentin]
- Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Trainer of both Level I and II
- Founder Y.O.G.A. for Youth
- Founder of the first yoga center in South Central Los Angeles
Krishna Kaur, a dynamic, heart centered Yoga teacher, began studying with Yogi Bhajan in 1970 and has passionately taught the art and science of Kundalini Yoga and Self Awareness for over 40 years. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from her teaching in Africa, Mexico, and inner cities throughout the United States. A master teacher trainer of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, she conducts workshops in Canada, Europe, Asia and Latin America.
She is certified by the 3HO Foundation and the Kundalini Research Institute as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Trainer of both Level I and II. She is the regional coordinator for 3HO Africa, which unites Kundalini Yoga in Africa. Krishna also founded and runs Y.O.G.A. for Youth, a non-profit dedicated to training yoga teachers to work with at-risk youth and creating yoga programs in schools and juvenile facilities.
Under the business name of 10th Gate Yoga, Kaur opened the first yoga center in South Central Los Angeles and continues to train yoga teachers, teach workshops, and bring yoga to the underserved populations throughout the world. She currently lives in Los Angeles, California and teaches on Monday evenings at her 10th Gate Yoga home studio.
Krishna Kaur is a passionate & knowledgable speaker on a variety of topics ranging from health, spirituality and women’s issues to historic South Central Los Angeles and working with urban youth.
![Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa [Gastdozentin]](/assets/Trainer/SSK.jpg)
Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa [Gastdozentin] » Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa [Gastdozentin]
- Director of the Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine and Humanology
- Lead trainer for level 1 and 2 for the yoga teacher training at 3HO
- Co-author of „Yoga as Medicine“ by Timothy McCall, MD.